JMEC has been prime design professional for designing replacement of one of the two bridges under the Federal HBP and in accordance with Caltrans LAPM. The two projects are funded by the California Department of Transportation (Caltrans) through the Federal Highway Bridge Program (HBP), hence will require both compliance with the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) and the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA). The Town is the lead agency for CEQA compliance; Caltrans, as assigned by the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA), is the federal lead agency for NEPA compliance.

The 26-foot long x 22-foot wide bridge, which carries Portola Road over Alambique Creek, is replaced by an 81.5-foot long by 30-foot wide two-span prestressed precast concrete bridge carrying HL-93 loading. Span arrangement is 37-foot 9-inch and 43-foot 9-inch. Three new abutments are supported by reinforced concrete abutments on 24" diameter cast-in-drilled-hole (CIDH) piles. Due to right-of-way constraints of 30 feet wide roadway, the bridge is configured with two 10-foot lanes, 5-feet wide eastbound sidewalk and 2-foot wide westbound shoulder, with concrete barriers on both sides. Stage construction is required to maintain a 10-foot through traffic during construction. The Town adopted a proactive approach in discussing with residents and stake holders regarding  road closures and the need for work hour adjustments for various construction activities.

Due to the 3 stages of construction, bridge load rating was performed on existing bridge for each construction stage using CSiBridge to determine probable load capacity and advised contractor of equipment load limit on existing bridge.

Project Role:  Prime Design Consultant

Clients:  Town of Woodside

Schedule:  Construction was completed in 2021
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165 Lennon Lane, Suite 106, Walnut Creek, CA 94598
Tel:  (925) 944-8999      Fax: (925) 944-9998

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Lifting of Precast Girders
 Completed Bridge
Project Successes:  Project deliveries was expedited in coordination with Caltrans and regulatory agencies, including USACE, RWQCB, USFWS and CDFW. By laying out the new bridge away the creek bank and off the jurisdiction of the USFWS, the permitting process was greatly simplified. Despite of environmental and community relationship challenges, the construction was completed on schedule with CDFW time extension and additional biological monitoring.

Award:  APWA Santa Clara Project of the Year 2022 Award